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Nutritional value

Date nougat


The 8 good reasons to taste our date nougat. Nougat Nour guarantees you  the quality.


A source of energy for all:  children, adults and athletes

Source of magnesium

Thanks to their richness in magnesium (58 mg per 100 g), dates protect bone mass.

Rich in fiber

Nougats Nour promote intestinal transit and help reduce cholesterol.
Dates are richer in fiber than plums, apricots and raisins.


Cholesterol-free, fat-free, gluten-free, dye-free and sulfite-free

Potassium source

The consumption of Nougats Nour, rich in potassium (more than 670 mg per 100 g), is beneficial for athletes and the elderly, as it helps maintain the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Rich in vitamins

B (B2, B3, B5, B6)

Rich in antioxidants

An interesting vitamin profile that helps maintain a healthy body.
Nour Nougats  contain a high concentration of antioxidants.

For everyone

 Nougat No sticks to your teeth



Potassium (650mg/100g)

Phosphorus (70mg/100g)

Calcium (68mg/100g)

Iron (2mg/100g)

Magnesium (59mg/100g)

Zinc (0.3mg/100g)



Thiamine (B1) (0.08mg/100g)

Riboflavin (0.4mg/100g)

Niacin (2.9mg/100g)

Vitamin A (7u/100g)

Folic Acid (21u/100g)

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